“Monkey see, monkey do” is an old idiom used to encapsulate people’s predisposition to blindly mirror another person’s actions or mindlessly follow orders with no knowledge of or regard for the subsequent consequences. If there was a reason to call niggas monkeys, that idiom would be the perfect reason! Black people have been aimlessly playing follow the leader, without progressing, for-fucking-ever! Unfortunately, I don’t share my best writing or my most intellectual opinions on this blog, because motherfuckers don’t think like me, they’re not as talented as me, and I don’t want any dummies plagiarizing me! This shit is free. However, y’all gone get this work! As a real thinker, it’s nearly impossible for me to take anything at face value. There’s nothing that anybody can tell me without me questioning it, regardless of their standing, and whether I express my doubt or not. Cynicism is a crucial characteristic of all highbrows and sage individuals. We live in a world where precedence is completely contrived, and superiority is solely contingent on people’s willingness to bow down and look up to motherfuckers. People wear their pretended primacy like suits of armor, but history shows that even the most red-blooded and victorious warriors are inevitably slaughtered! You can’t live on a battlefield and avoid casualties, that’s life. “You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day!”, until you don’t! From my perspective, life is simple. You stay as healthy and happy as possible until your fight is over. That’s it! And that only involves differentiating necessities and desires, avoiding inessential battles, fighting to win when you’re contested, and never giving up. If you master those four things, no faux foe will foil you. Additionally, I’d be remise if I neglected to mention that convalescing after a series of fucked-up decisions is not admirable! Essentially, life is what you make it, and a lot of y’all stupid-asses willfully make shit more difficult than it needs to be. You don’t get a hero cookie for saving yourself from an adverse situation you put yourself in!
I watch a lot of YouTube videos in my spare time. Some of my favorite videos are cooking tutorials, even though I don’t cook very often. I’ve been watching a lot of African recipes lately, and those recipes have substantiated something I’ve always believed. Africans use a lot of fresh vegetables, herbs, and meats in their dishes. But they generally cook those fresh foods in oil, and they integrate an excessive amount of oil in a lot of their food, even rice. Firstly, we all know the nutritional benefits of fresh foods are expended once you incorporate things like sodium and oil into them. Yes, our bodies need sodium, and there are healthy oils, but both of those ingredients are unhealthy in profusion. Secondly, heart disease has almost always been the leading cause of untimely death globally, it literally affects everyone. And while these very talented YouTube chefs are cooking their oily-ass food, they all customarily gloat over and relish the fact that they are cooking their food the same way their ancestors and parents did. And now, I’m sure y’all get where I’m going with this. Ignorance and stupidity are fucking human traditions! Which leads me to my next point, and this is a question I pose often. What fucking sense does it make for black people to segregate themselves, to form a union of homogenous people, as a minority group, to fight for equality, impartiality, and incorporation in a country brimming with diversity, where majority of people are also fighting for equity and inclusion!? That has never and will never make any fucking sense, at all! You can’t join a majority by refusing to be a part of that majority! If equality means being indistinguishable, even in the face of racism, why the fuck would you distinguish yourself as the opposite race to prove you deserve to be treated as an equal!? Also, you can’t change minds by only addressing like-minded people! If discrimination is the foundation of injustice and inequality, why the fuck would “freedom fighting” black people disseminate their inclusive intolerance of all white people in their fight for fairness and tolerance!? Niggas are some backwards-ass motherfuckers!
You will never hear another nigga talking like this, and if you ever do, and it ain’t me (literally the one and only, Beau Amoureux), you know where that shit came from! America has a democracy, which means we communicate our requirements for each other through each other. So, if we have common goals, like actual liberty and justice for all, it only makes sense for everyone with those goals, regardless of their race, to work together! In retrospect, if you look back, Martin Luther King, Jr. was the only notable and truly all-inclusive freedom fighter. He was the only black man of his time who understood that black people and white people needed to stand in solidarity to combat racial injustice, and that’s why the US government assassinated him. And they assassinated JFK for the same reason. That may sound like a conspiracy to some people, but look what Donald Trump made his supporters do just two short years ago. Malcolm X was murdered by black men, members of the Nation of Islam, because he discovered Elijah Muhammad was a charlatan and dictatorial cult leader. That’s all old news, right? Well, so is your ritualistic, conformist way of thinking! People dwell on old shit for lifetimes, hence why our present problems are the same as their past problems. So, the remainder of this paragraph is exclusively for white people. White people, let me start by saying, I feel you. Niggas are the bane of my existence too! Niggas are stupid, they make our communities unsafe, they make police officers view us all as threats, they are bad influences on our very impressionable youths, and they deceitfully blame white people for their propensities to commit illicit acts. Yes, niggas’ stupidity is traditional. But so is yours! If your ancestors weren’t rich when they migrated to America, they were treated only slightly better than niggers. It was then when being humble and working hard without having shit to show for it became a part of the American Dream. Rednecks are some of the hardest-working people in this country! Didn’t your poor, industrious predecessors tell you that working hard would make your dreams come true?! Our fights are more similar than dissimilar. And if you’re tired of hearing about racism and inequality, maybe you should stop being racist and reevaluate your political values. Think about it.