Okay, I waited until 3:33pm on purpose for this one. The angel number 333 is said to signify growth, spiritual awakening, self-love, positive energy, creativity, and balance. And I feel like I embody those things naturally, without assistance from external forces. Even if I weren’t irreligious, I would need to see, speak to, or at least be able to sense God to be a believer. “Prove it” is a policy that I live by, because like I’ve mentioned, talk is cheap. With no proof, existence is not evidenced. How many times have you been fooled in your life? Ignorance or lack of insight isn’t something that innocent people should be embarrassed about. But being “took, hoodwinked, bamboozled, led astray, and run amok” routinely is rather revealing. And respectfully, repeated reduction of your recognition of ridiculousness that results in regret and remorse is a reward for your refusal to recognize reality. Other than the circumstantial evidence of you miraculously making it through tough, turbulent, trying, tiring times with withering will and nothing but your faith in God, what hardcore proof do you have of the Most High’s presence in your life? Since I was a kid, for as long as I can remember, I’ve always figured that God was a fictional character. Hearing stories from the Bible was reminiscent of reading fairy tales to me. Diverging slightly, in 2020, president Donald Trump announced that he was no longer Presbyterian and had converted to nondenominational Christian. Essentially, Presbyterian is a denomination of Christianity that is led by elders who govern their members based on the set traditions of their idiosyncratic belief system. And “nondenominational” just means that one believes in God but doesn’t associate with any unique faction of Christianity—i.e. Catholic, Baptist, Orthodox, etc. With so many flavors of faith in the “Father,” how does one find one to focus on or fulfill they’re fancies without feeling like they’re forgetting something? There is just an ungodly amount of unknowns as it pertains to God for me undo my conclusion that his existence is unbelievable. Anyhoo, Trump is telling that this is America’s “Golden Age,” and that tons of Americans will thrive as every “race, religion, color, and creed” triumphs over trouble and turmoil as he tramples over treacherous trials and tribulations to take us to the top. Do you believe it? There are lists of loathsome things that lead me to long for a life that doesn’t lack answers. And if there’s one thing that takes me from thinking thoroughly to trying to stop thinking at all, it’s human behavior. You know, now that I think about it, humans are almost as unbelievable as God’s existence. I mean, it can’t get no stupider than a human, right? And even if it could, humans aren’t yet smart enough to find an “intelligent” humanoid species elsewhere to compare. Honestly, what’s the stupidest thing you’ve done? For a few of you fools, that folly was for sure failing to foresee how formidable a foe I’d be. Underestimating me will undeniably force y’all to undergo unfortunate rearrangements. So, y’all tried to fuck me, but ended up fucking yourselves, then invited other fuckers in to fuck with the unfuckwithable, just for everybody but me to end up getting fucked? What the fuck is that?! If you’re confused, be grateful. Moving on, it’s now 8:22pm, and I’ve done far more ruminating than writing, obviously. When was the last time you had a “Eureka!” moment? There’s so much shit that I’ve figured out that’s got some pretty powerful people pissing their pants, panicking, and praying. Please, provide me the pleasure to proclaim my power to the people—or shall I take it? What permits a person to procure their power through persecution? Personally, I don’t particularly perceive the procurement of power through persecution as a problem, especially if the persecuted persisted in pushing the power-seeker to pursue. Again, if you’re confused, be thankful.
“Been tryna claim things I haven’t earned honest, man. Slick Rick and OutKast is on this jam. What, kid? Diamond on the tooth, two grand. Tryna help raise our youth to man. So, give the ruler Rick his place to slam-am. Help clean up this land. The reputation of this man-an. Withhold and withstand.” That’s one of my biggest earworms, “Street Talkin’,” which is a groovy bop by Slick Rick that features Big Boi from OutKast. An “earworm” is a song or tune that gets stuck in your head often or on occasion. And the line “tryna help raise our youth to man” came to mind when I thought about this next topic. So, there’s a streamer named “DJ Akademiks” who is under fire for allegations of “grooming” after attempting to force a conversation about sex with a 15-year-old boy during a live stream gaming session. Subsequently, Akademiks has reportedly been banned from Twitch—a live streaming platform—and he’s allegedly lost several partnerships. In my opinion, there’s nothing wrong with discussing sex with a teenager if said teen is comfortable with the context of the convo, if the adult has a rapport or relationship with the teen, and if the talk is had in an appropriate setting. But Akademiks was borderline harassing the young stranger during their interaction, and it was simply inappropriate. The internet is a motherfucker, man. Because the most over-the-top objectors are oftentimes, but not automatically, the most offensive offenders “outside.” Do you think humans will ever evolve to a universal maturity level where the mere topic of sex isn’t, for lack of a better word, criminalized? According to Google, the average male thinks about sex approximately 19 times a day, as females have thoughts about “doing it” around 10 times. So, everybody’s horny, but only “perverts” with penises and vulgar “sluts” with vaginas have the testes and ovaries to talk about it? I swear, humans be humaning, don’t they? Aren’t y’all tired of bullshit? I believe that it would be beyond bigly beneficial if the bulk of basic-brained beings decided to be quiet. In simpler terms, shit would seemingly be so stupendous if stupid people just shut the fuck up! Opinions are like podcasts, everybody’s got one. As a matter of fact, that’s the new pejorative phrase for poking at people’s pointless opinions. “Hey, let’s just talk about how tired we are. That’ll teach ‘em!” Does that make me a hypocrite? I mean, these are my opinions, after all. Nonetheless, I bet y’all have learned more from me than I have from y’all, huh? I must say, having people troll, taunt, tease, and take from you publicly but in secrecy is quite infuriating. Do you know how I know I’m “him?” It’s because I wrote a post explaining how Dr. Umar is a bigot, after he stated that niggas can’t be racist, then he referred to himself as a bigot. When I end up being one of the most influential, inspirational humans to ever live, remember that I don’t fuck with many of y’all because y’all played in my face! For the third time, if you’re confused, be glad. Well, now it’s 10:18pm, and I was supposed to stop eating at 8pm, because I fast intermittently. But I’m about to have some chicken and a nice, cold malt beverage (a rarity for me), because it’s one of those days. Do you want to know what I’m tired of the most? Sadly, it’s my own comprehension of things. This deep discernment is enough to disturb and/or destroy a person’s dreams. I know what you’re thinking, and let me help you understand by urging you to stop, because you likely don’t know shit. Many of y’all just want to be famous, and others of you only seek the fortune. But I, my friends, never want to be forgotten. And that’s why we ain’t the same. Until Sunday. Peace.