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Everybody’s Stupid, CCXXIX

Really, how much does hip hop’s hardest “heads” hate snitches? What if I told you that hip hop’s favorite podcaster, and plenty of his podcasting counterparts, have been (allegedly) working with the Feds for many months? Do you know how I know y’all stupid? It’s because you know that nearly no one trusts the government, but you take it that people won’t trust my true and tragic testimony—telling your terrible tactics. Some may refer to me as radical, revolutionary, rude, too real, risqué, rebellious, and maybe even ridiculous. But if there’s one thing I’m not, it’s stupid. To repeat, I don’t respect any of you role-robbing, boundary-busting, spirt-siphoning, energy-evading motherfuckers! Fuck y’all! And generally, I mean what the fuck I say. Now, to all you big ballers and splurging spenders, prove that you’re bringing big bank and that you’re standing on business by clicking the “I’m a brokie” link shown throughout my blog and buy something. Otherwise, shut the fuck up about how much money y’all got! Ain’t it funny that when people come across someone who genuinely doesn’t give a fuck, they act like something’s wrong with that person? Anyhoo, do you deduce that you deserve the best? As it just so happens to appear, the world’s most helpful and harmless humans hardly have the heart for harming others, yet they have a hard time being heralded as the honest and honorable heroes that they often are. And seemingly, the more goodness that is given to “godless” people, the greater the good-givers’ grievances are with God. What I’m saying is, discerning that you’re deserving of what’s destined for pure and principled people unfortunately ultimately means dipping into darkness to dispel devilish delinquents and do-gooders from your path. Good guys finish last because they’re generous enough to gratefully give guileful and gutless goofies the “go ahead.” If you want the best, as an Earthling, you’re going to have to fight for it. In my opinion, believing in God doesn’t mean you’re of God. Being godless is being ungodlike—lacking ethics and virtue. In theory, God is a giver who’s gifted every godly being with guidance to grace and greatness. Still, stupid motherfuckers stick to stinking up their surroundings and spreading Satan’s spoiled and sour seeds, screaming about the ominousness of spooky and scary omens, with the sole goal of sacrificing sweet and sacred souls. Whether you view the glass as half empty or half full, we can all agree that there’s indisputably room for more, right? Well, good people are the type to pour into other people’s cups, leaving the pourers poorer and parched while the piteous are pleased with and pleasured by pulling from the paltry. I don’t care what anyone says, God wouldn’t like what’s going on down and ‘round here. Offenders should opt out of putting words in the omniscient one’s mouth—he knows everything. Like I’ve mentioned, I don’t remember ever believing in God. As a child, I was once forced to attend Bible study. During the stodgy studying session, the instructor, a young female, asked the anxious attendees what they aspired to attain after arriving to heaven. Y’all, this was one of the first occasions where I observed how obviously more objective and open-minded I was compared to others. To make a long story short, one child confidently claimed that she craved “an ice cream sundae the size of a boat.” And I eagerly begged the question, “but isn’t that gluttony and greed?” Needless to say, I shut that silly-ass teacher right up, and she dismissed me with the quickness. I think I was around 7 years old at the time. I’m too forward-looking to forget that I’ve found folks to be fully full of shit for most of my life. People pray after preying on people, repent as they’re regretful, and seek sanctuary after leaving others needing a savior. And God makes people comfortable circumventing change while cowardly claiming that they will. But I digress.

“I’m on my grind, Grand Hustle. Got the mind and the muscle. 50 carats in the crown, just to shine on you suckas. I still tote a Glock .40 for the hatas and the bustas… if a nigga try to play me I’ma bust ‘em!” What defines a hustler to you? Oxford Dictionaries says that a hustler is an aggressively enterprising person. And the same source tells that “enterprising” is having or showing initiative and resourcefulness. Notice that money is only vaguely—if that—implied in both those definitions. It’s no secret that niggas think, act, and live in a manner that opposes “common sense” and good nature. As I like to put it, niggas are backwards as fuck! Diverging slightly, seeing that the GRAMMY awards aired earlier tonight, how many music artists do you believe are “industry plants?” An industry plant is essentially an artist who was intentionally and impiously “planted” into the music industry by higher powers for nefarious reasons. The “plants” are given orchestrated or formulated success to infiltrate the airways and algorithms, and impose themselves as someone deserving of relevance, reverence, and respect—that naysayers normally suppose they didn’t work diligently enough to earn. A good example of such a character is the once highly successful and seemingly overnight sensation, Tekashi 6ix9ine. Since his career’s demise, the tenacious Tekashi has been labeled a “rat” for snitching, a crash dummy for willing to destroy his reputation to have a dramatic impact on the culture, and a wannabe or fake gangster for not possessing credible street credentials to deserve the acceptance and admiration of “real niggas.” Having personally experienced the fuckery and foolery that said higher powers contrive to substantiate their sick agendas, I definitely believe that hip hop culture has been compromised. The culture is a reflection of niggas’ lack of introspection, consideration, and contemplation. And I believe that Tekashi 6ix9ine was representative of how the culture creates its own atmospheric attributes and antagonistic attitudes, which sets the trends that dictate the followers of the culture’s behaviors and actions. Basically, in the absence of mental illness, every hardheaded, hotheaded, heartless hoodlum is harnessing their hood mentality from the horrible habits that are heightened and highlighted by the culture. In simpler terms, every so-called “real nigga” has some 6ix9ine in them! Again, as I like to put it, gang culture and street politics were fabricated or made up through niggas’ imagination. That’s true in the same way that role-playing fantasists—like those who do live-action performances of fantastical or fictional stories—manufacture rules and guidelines for their fairy tale worlds. But let’s focus on real life, shall we? So, I am currently experiencing an injury called “plantar fasciitis,” which is a condition that effects the heel of the foot and is caused by damage or inflammation to the plantar fascia—commonly due to overuse. I usually walk five miles a day, five days a week, on an incline, on the treadmill—that’s Monday through Friday. But I haven’t been on the treadmill since Wednesday of last week, and I don’t like the feeling of missing workouts. However, my body is responding well to the rest. I visited the emergency room early Saturday morning, as I was concerned that the pain in my foot could have been associated with deep vein thrombosis, which I had back in 2016. And I’m pretty sure that I developed the clot while working 12-hour shifts where I was seated most of the time. I limped around on a sore, swollen leg for about three weeks, obviously oblivious to the fact that I was having a potentially life-threatening medical emergency. With all that being said, if you have concerns, whether you have insurance or not, understand that it’s illegal for the hospital to turn you away, so never hesitate to visit the ER whenever you’re curious about your health. Nonetheless, don’t expect them to have all the answers, as these are humans we’re talking about. And if you’re wondering, yes, plantar fasciitis hurts like a motherfucker! But I’m a soldier, so make sure you salute me when you see me! Peace.

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