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Everybody’s Stupid, CCXXVII

“Diversity, equity, and inclusion,” are basic human rights, right? At what point should people be forced to take accountability for their own participation in or failure to personally protest against racism and discrimination? If the government must make you prioritize diversity, promote equitability, and practice inclusion, you’re a bigot. On the other hand, if the government is aware that bigots are bountiful, mandating fairness is fair. Nevertheless, I believe that it’s time to test America’s progression from past transgressions. Are people smarter and sincerer or are they still sure that all men aren’t created equal? You may or may not be surprised at how life-altering, and life-ruining, bad influences are. Bigotry is a tradition, the same way as tolerance. Speaking of tradition, because I’m so intellectual and a skilled illustrator, people often assume that I was raised to read books and write essays for higher education purposes, but that’s not the case. I was raised by and around unintelligent people that I didn’t want to be anything like, so I opted for educating myself and developing the freedom of mind to think independently. There are no Assata Shakur or Medgar Evers-type figures in my family, aside from me. And again, I’m a high school dropout. If institutions aren’t necessities for education, then incentives for integrity don’t require legislation. In this context, integrity is integration and inclusiveness. Like I mentioned in the last post, is being good for goodness’ sake not enough? At the end of the day, the way I see it, y’all can’t be mad at anyone but yourselves for how equable, inequitable, and exclusive you all are. You’re mad that Trump prohibited DEI initiatives, you’re upset that black music artists performed at a controversial white president’s inauguration events, you’re antagonistic toward interracial relationships, you complained about how niggas weren’t going to vote instead of exhausting your influence to encourage voting, you think podcasting is a form of activism, you hate me because I hate the way you hate others, etc. At some point, everyone must accept that they’re part of all the problems that they proclaim pains them to experience. Anyhoo, if you’re religious, do you think you’d feel stable if not supported by the symbolic crutch that your “lord and savior” symbolizes? The theory of natural selection, the food chain, the circle of life, survival of the fittest situations, and the notion that only the strong survive all suggest that saving yourself from struggling, suffering, and strife is the only sure shot way to succeed at surviving. Some people succumb to satanic scenarios while serving their “savior,” swearing that they’ll stay away from sinister souls, and praying to be saved—to no avail. How many excuses do people make for God? Why do all believers believe that they can speak on God’s behalf? More importantly, if a belief in God is the only thing that you have in common with someone you’re in conflict with, can your shared faith help reconcile your differences? If agreeing to disagree is an issue where the lack of a resolution leads to division that causes discrimination, and if you’re party to the disaccord, you’re effectively a proponent of discrimination. Despise “the Don” all you want, but don’t deny that subverting his power puts people in a predicament that’s possibly preventable with peace and participation. Moving on, don’t y’all get tired of talking? I for damn sure get tired of hearing y’all talk. Has anyone ever told y’all that talk is cheap? Regardless of how much you’re being paid for political correspondence, podcast conversations, professional consultations, and whatever else, if you’re not providing vital and valuable information, you’re just passing time. How much of life do you think is just finding shit to do for the fuck of it? Do you think the people who wrote the Bible were bored at times? I must tell you, idle time will rot your mind. But that’s where thinking comes in. Thinking can be therapeutic and time-consuming. No matter how ignorant you are, just think more.

“No one man should have all [this] power!” So, Yeezy has reportedly reentered billionaire net worth status, which is cool. Were you offended when the oftentimes offensive, outrageous, obtrusive outcast that is Ye began referring to himself as a god named “Yezuz?” Truthfully, I seldom care about what anyone else is doing. For the most part, I focus on me. But back to that one man’s power, I was referring to me when quoting that lyric. For legal reasons, I am aptly asserting that the following allegations are alleged. Y’all, everything from that “Reesa Teesa” fiasco, to the industry destroying Drake’s career, to that “B for Better” freestyle, to the Luigi Mangione situation, to the recent Los Angeles fires—and many incidents before, in between, and ominous—could be associated with a very powerful and popular pontificator’s influence. I won’t say who that person is, but if you’re here, you’re indisputably familiar with their work. Diverging slightly, I have a confession to make. Honestly, I have been concerned for my physical and psychological well-being, as well as the security of my home. And it’s not just because I’ve beefed with pitiful, petty, prying, punk-ass podcasters, it’s mostly due to my recognition of the repercussions of being a revolutionary. I’ve been being tailed and surveilled for some time now, among worse things, and to state that it’s been adversely affecting me is an understatement. In my mind, sucker motherfuckers suspected that I wouldn’t survive, let alone sustain my sanity. But I’m getting off this subject, because I don’t want to scare off any of my loyal readers. How often do you feel like “truth is stranger than fiction?” I believe that if people swear by the Bible, they shouldn’t readily reject respecting the realization that stories like those portrayed in “Enemy of the State” and “The Manchurian Candidate” could very well be—and in all likelihood are—based on actual events. What was the last really good movie you saw? I guess it was “John Wick: Chapter 4” for me, but “Deadpool & Wolverine” wasn’t bad. If Jesus Christ wasn’t a martyr, I envision him bearing equivalence to John Wick. The reverence, the relishing in righteousness, the remarkable refinement, etc. And if screenwriters were smart and weren’t so scared, they’d be writing a movie that depicts the devil’s nemesis in a more dominant and deity-like light. But I digress. What’s the first thing you’d change if you were the creator and controller of the cosmos? I don’t know what I would do, if I’m keeping it real. I feel like life’s uncertainties and the world’s variety bring excitement and adventure. Everything should never go just one person’s way, as there would be no freedom if that were the case. If graced with the power to grant gifts, you couldn’t even give everyone the ability to fulfill their dreams, because some people find pleasure in causing displeasure. When you think about it, God definitely quit his job for a reason. Who the fuck wants to babysit a bunch of barbaric, belligerent, buck wild, brainless beings who would rather break the Commandments and beseech for absolution than to behave and be benevolent? God tried plaguing, flooding, and punishing humans for their sins, and nothing worked. So, he almighty was like, “I’m out! I can’t fuck with y’all, y’all evil as fuck—it’s hopeless! Say, bruh. Get with Moses, King David, Ezra, Solomon, and the rest of the folks who were paying attention and tell them to write a book about this shit. And remember to make my magnificence memorable. Don’t worry, though I’m gone, I’ll always be here in spirit. If y’all really need me, just get down on your knees and beg, and I’ll see what I can do. *snickers* I’ll holla!” Would it hurt your feelings if God returned and revealed that he recoiled from his responsibilities because he was repelled by everyone’s roguery and rascality? Don’t rebuke me, I’m just a vessel vowing to vigorously push for virtuousness. Peace.

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