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Everybody’s Stupid, CCXXVI

Coincidentally, I started writing this at 3:33pm precisely. If you don’t know, believers of supernatural forces view sequential numbers as messages from the universe. The “angel number” 444 is said to be a sign of significant success and satisfaction in several aspects of life. I assume that Jay-Z used said number as an album title to signify that he has God’s protection and guidance, in addition to him independently possessing the patience to manifest great stability. Honestly, though I am irreligious, I believe that Jesus Christ could have been a real person. Additionally, I believe that extraterrestrials—intelligent beings who weren’t born on Earth—once frequently visited our home planet. What if Jesus was just a genius with advanced knowledge and technology, who shocked and awed unintelligent—or less intelligent—people with the practical use of what already existed? For instance, turning water into wine could have been as simple as mixing ground up dried fruits and cane sugar with water. Bringing back the dead may have been made possible by the administration of natural antibiotics or other remedies evolutionary for the times. And many of the Bible’s most magnificent monarch’s miracles may have been made up, mistaken memories, or myths. The eagerness for explanations where elements are not evident or easily explainable is what inevitably leads to the miseducation of everyone. And to me, among other things, the idea of God sort of seems like something someone makes up to scare sorry or sullied souls. Sinning is going against what’s sacred, but it’s also simply spoiling your reputation. Y’all know how I feel about reputations, right? A reputation ain’t nothin’ but another motherfucker’s opinion about you. And like I’ve mentioned, having a good reputation doesn’t mean you’re a good person, it just means that you’re met with favorable opinions among people who like you. People’s perception of a person varies per particular groups. Case in point, Donald Trump is revered by his base but repulsed by his base’s rivals. When you think about it like that, meaning accepting the concept of a rep being receiving respect from people that you respect, what does it matter who dislikes, disapproves of, or disagrees with you? For our sanity’s sake, we can’t live for the love of being liked. I’ve been telling y’all that I don’t give a fuck about y’all for years now, and people still don’t get it. Of course, if you respect me, I’ll reciprocate. But if you disrespect me, I’ll dismiss you as being deserving of a bad reputation with me. If you have faith in the Most High, has his reputation ever been in question for you? I never want to have an inconsequential belief that can’t change. Let me tell y’all something, if you have struggled while staying solid and saying that you’re a servant of “the Holy Spirit,” take it as gospel that you’ve strived and survived on the simple thought that someone you’ve never seen, spoken to, or shared air with was supporting you. If your mind is powerful enough to keep you pushing through pain and peril by believing in a higher power, imagine what you could accomplish if you believed in yourself that much! Do you need an example of goodness to understand what being a good person is like? Technically, a plausible argument could be made that God is an absent father who takes credit for all the good that his children do and damns them for all the bad. Which begs the question, is God an opportunist? If a human, God would be the equivalent of that deadbeat dad who dares to drag his goofy ass to the games after his son goes pro, knowing damn well that he wasn’t there to help him practice or give him pointers. Everything about God is just concepts of goodness. Is being good for goodness’ sake not enough? Does goodness really need an unrealistic example?

Last Saturday, comedian Dave Chappelle took to the Saturday Night Live stage sporting the same suit that he swaggered in on the same stage in 2020. And because we all saw that monologue, we all can say that a couple of those jokes were a tad bit derivative, right? Dave, if you see this, you’re welcome for the inspiration. At this point, calling me a narcissist is like trying to call God on his iPhone for advice—it makes you look crazy. But Dave isn’t the only iconic comedian who has cited a joke that seemingly derived from something I’ve written. Back when “the Slap” initially occurred, I wrote a post that implied the Oscars was produced by “nothing but niggas,” as the ceremony’s producer, Will Packer, led an all-black production staff. In Chris Rock’s last special, “Selective Outrage,” he made a joke about Robert Kardashian’s daughters being cursed with fucking “nothin’ but niggas” as karmic payback for Robert’s role in helping to exonerate OJ Simpson in his infamous murder trial. I guess I should say that these claims are alleged, but I’m inspirational as fuck—don’t be hatin’. So, it snowed here in the heart of Georgia yesterday, and it was beautiful. Moving on, how unfair has life been to you? Everyone knows that OJ did it. Yet and still, may “the Juice” and his victims rest in peace. But where should the buck stop as it pertains justice being served? There’s a lot of fake news being broadcasted lately, where the stories are turning out to be ridiculous rumors, or info is being disbursed with delusive details. Jumping to conclusions, especially when motivated by illusions, often leads to miscarriages of justice. If everyone got their way, instead of being fairness in judgement, justice would be the exacting of revenge based on emotions. And speaking of selective outrage, hating humans who don’t have faith in God and harming humans in honor of God while hosts of faithless humans have honorable hearts and would hate to harm anyone is unholy, right? Y’all be mad at the wrong shit! Let’s break this down in rudimentary terms, shall we? If basic opinions contribute to everything and everyone’s reputation, everyone contributes to the way everyone and everything is judged. If granting a reputation is a right that everyone who is free to form their own opinion has, how much power does that give people? What I’m saying is, people made God what he is! God has the greatest reputation on Earth, and people use his name to greatly disrepute everything and everyone on Earth. For instance, when a suicide bomber screams “allahu akbar,” which means “God is greater” in Arabic, before detonating explosives to annihilate unsuspecting civilians, they’re committing an act of terror in God’s name. By the same token, reverends get rich by raking in cash from gullible church-goers who are regularly ready run up debt just to repent by paying for their sins in recompense, all because repenting people believe that reverends have the closest relationship with God. Indisputably, you’ll find some of the dirtiest, most damnable, most deceitful, most devilish evildoers on Earth in church every fucking service—and many of those motherfuckers don’t practice nothin’ but preachin’. If “don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk” were people, they’d be religious leaders, but only because they’re habitual hypocrites. It’s now 7:33pm, and this post came together super slowly. To all my fellow creators out there, don’t be afraid to take your time. We’re currently in a microwavable content era, where substance and satiation are substituted by instant gratification. My writing makes more sense than what you’re accustomed to consuming because I think deeply about a lot of things. Oftentimes, the things I end up writing about are the last things on my mind, because this shit is free and the best shit’s going to cost you. As I’ve stated before, the average person wouldn’t survive a second inside my head. There’s a lot of hard truths, heavy thoughts, harsh realities, horrible history, and plain ole honesty in here. When you think about anything, do it knowing that you’re always doing the right thing. Peace.

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