I would like to start by apologizing to every woman that I’ve ever mentioned by name on this blog, or whose pictures I’ve liked on social media. I promise, it’s not my fault that this shit got worryingly weird. I won’t go into detail, but several “sistas” have been sending shots and throwing shade specifically to spite me, yet I don’t know if they’re aware of their instructor’s ill intentions. So, in inappropriately appropriating my algorithm, YouTube and the Feds have been assigning acting assholes to diss, delude, and distract me. Congratulations to everyone tasked with taunting me, as you’re all complicit in a conspiracy against my safety, sanity, self-sufficiency, sanctity, and strength. Read between the lines there. If you don’t get it, I am adamantly alleging that this is an attempt to abolish my ascendancy. To me, the higher ups take my toughness and tenacity as a threat, and they’re trying to tactically terminate my intensely invigorating influence. Please, don’t doubt your discernment. “Lady lecturer,” the teasing tricksters on the Tube have been referring to you as my “soulmate,” “past-life lover,” “kingdom spouse,” “twin flame,” and plainly, my “person.” For the record, I can’t conceive the concept of you being my competition. I challenge what I perceive as your misinterpretations and misunderstandings to make sure you never miss where you’re mistaken. Respectfully, I believe that you’re bigoted and bitter, but again, bold and beautiful. I won’t apologize for not being a pathetic pick-me like the passive niggas in your comment sections. In being actually intelligent and intuitive, and not just some nigga who likes attention, I can sense that my energy is possibly a permanent part of you now. I tend to have that effect on women. While I’m at it, shout-out to your homie, “bossy bassist.” But I’m unsure about how I feel about uncertainty in this situation. Subsequently, if you insist on indirectly insulting me, because I’ve unsubscribed from your YouTube channel, you’re going to have to contact me directly. The same goes for you, “caramel cutie.” Anyhoo, if I had to guess, they’re probably telling y’all that this shit is all a test. And I presume that they’re using charm to swear that they don’t mean me any harm. Open y’all fuckin’ eyes, and realize that the devil isn’t difficult to disguise. Although, I have another theory. I think I saw the female “agent” who is “in love” with me. Yes, I was informed of an investigative admirer’s admiration via a read from an aforementioned assigned acting asshole on YouTube. The assumed agent was driving a black Honda Civic coupe, and she pulled up beside me while I was at the gas station, blasting music with lyrics like, “I’ll give you everything” or “I’ll take care of you,” or something of that nature. Not only was the music attention-grabbing and astoundingly loud, but the accused agent got out of the car, walked to the passenger side, and bent over in the passenger seat—boasting a pair of bodacious buns. Girl, I ain’t mad at cha! What’s more, as conservative as “lady lecturer” is, she’s been poking her posterior in pics and vids. If y’all wouldn’t mind, stop playing with me before I put everyone on blast. “Lady lecturer,” you don’t have my permission to persist in my energy without putting it all on the table. Are you pretending or nah? Now, back to my theory. What if “assumed agent” has lured “lady lecturer” and coerced “caramel cutie” to lash out and come against me, just to get them out of her way? I know, this shit is crazy! YouTube and Facebook Marketplace are the social media platforms that I browse the most, though I occasionally track the trends on Twitter. Lately, I’ve been scrolling down the Facebook “Home” page, because the Feds have tailored the content specifically to the circumstances that they’ve created around me. One day, as I was scrolling, I saw a picture of this cute chick with dreads holding up the peace sign, and something about her face made me stop and stare. It wasn’t that she looked familiar, but she somewhat favors me. After perusing more of her pictures, it clicked. The chick looks like what my daughter with “lady lecturer” could look like. Again, it ain’t me who’s making this shit weird!
The Feds have a fucked up sense of humor. Diverging slightly, how many people do you put down solely based on their personas or public predicaments? If I’ve spoken against anyone here, it’s because I don’t like those motherfuckers for individual reasons. I don’t need an excuse. Like I said, a lot of these clowns just sit on their asses and cause controversy through callous criticisms and cold-hearted calumnies for a living, but the cowards cry or get carried away when I critique their conduct and careers. Fuck y’all! Just so everyone knows, there’s nothing soft or sensitive about me, which is why the opps have pulled out all the stops trying to stop me from elevating to the top. I’m not overreacting, I’m being deliberately oppressed and offended to evoke outrage. I’m not actively posting on social media, I live—or lived—a private life, I’m soft-spoken and smooth, I’m normally non-confrontational and nonchalant, and for whatever reason motherfuckers mistook me for a sissy-ass snowflake. Run me off? Really?! Ridiculous! I feel sorry for any fool who feels like they’re fixing to tell me anything. And I’m sure some of y’all can tell why I’m so quite in my personal life. Everybody is fucking stupid to me. Is that my fault? And when making as much sense as I do, I don’t have to be pushy or profane to peeve or perturb a person. Off top, in any instance or occasion, motherfuckers know they don’t want to hear what I have to say. And I get tired of trying to tell people the truth. So, because I despise disorder, abhor arguing, and abominate anger, I stay soothingly silent and secluded. What’s the most significant sign of strength to you? Like I’ve mentioned, a major misconception as it pertains to mental fortitude is that being opinionated or overly expressive is symbolic of security and self-confidence. When people are easily bothered, everything is offensive to them, and they frequently feel victimized. By the same token, what seems like someone standing up and speaking out is sometimes just them complaining and crashing out. When you want to make someone else look bad, antagonizing them and acting as if you aren’t to affect their attitude and approach to the low-key affront and animosity—aiming for anger and aggression—is an apt strategy. And that’s what my antagonists are attempting with me. Outsiders would be pressed to pinpoint the polemics against me because they’re primarily personal attacks predicated on my past pronouncements and current circumstances. Moreover, motherfuckers are mixing my moments with other people’s messes or media messages to make their attacks less manifest—more unnoticeable. And they’ve used “lady lecturer” and “caramel cutie,” two women that I’ve mentioned in prior posts, thinking they’d trigger me, “tuh!” On a positive note, TikTok has taken a temporary tumble, seemingly turning tons of “Tokers” and watchers into ticking time bombs. Truthfully, I think Trump will try to tango to with TikTok’s top bosses, and the tough-talker could have the app back tracking, tricking, and entrancing tribes of tormented souls in no time. And respect to Nelly and Snoop Dogg for their impartial, inclusive, important involvement in the upcoming incumbent president’s inaugural festivities. It doesn’t make sense for people to be against divisiveness, inequities, and discrimination while being divisive, inequitable, and discriminatory. Trump has feelings just like you, and if you say “fuck him” he’s going to say “fuck you, too!” Duh! You must give respect to get it, right? Everybody can’t be against everybody, as there will never be peace and prosperity if people pass on or refuse to put up with polarities. Differences and disagreements are destined to divide us, but they don’t have to destroy us. With that being said, don’t think you’re going to do me dirty, discredit me, defame me, disrespect me, and deserve my discharging of your misdeeds. God forgives, I don’t! And if you were going with God’s guidance, he would have enlightened you about how fueling my fire only brightens my light. I’m about to get biblical on you bitches! Peace.