What are the pros and cons of being you? Whether everyone realizes it or not, who a person is and who they think they are isn’t always identical. But having said that, I would also like to encourage everyone to eliminate egocentric idiots from their environment. In my opinion, the worst type of person is someone who is incapable of comprehending how much they don’t or can’t know, or will never understand. One is only capable of comprehending as much as their capacity allows, and incapability and incapacity go hand in hand. That all was a slick way of saying that stupid people will never be smart. “The game is a lot bigger than you think, you know? And if you think you know, then I don’t think you know!” Rest in peace to DMX, who regularly rapped about rage resulting from rivals relentlessly refusing to recognize reality. Narcissistic nincompoops never notice how nugatory their nominal knowledge is. When it’s complicated to convince a cynic that they can’t comprehend a concept or character’s choices because they lack the capacity, consider canceling your connection with that clown. Some simpletons will stand on or sit in stupidity as if being stuck in simplemindedness or slow to see is soothing and satisfying. Ultimately, being unable to understand when you’re misunderstanding or unwilling to admit to unawareness is unacceptable, at least to me. If the shoe fits, this is me gifting it to you. In fact, take the pair, and you’re welcome. Honestly, how many people know you well enough to accurately tell you and others who you are? Nobody that I know, know of, or have known is knowledgeable enough to acknowledge the depth of my disposition. And having me fucked up has hurt the feelings of whole heaps of heathens, and caused them to fuck themselves! “Now, why you wanna go and do that, love, huh? Now, why you wanna go and do that?!” Anyhoo, back to the pros and cons of me being… well, me. I could do my instinctive invective about how I’m indisputably more intelligent, insightful, inspirational, intuitive, and in sync with my soul than most people, but that’s insulting, isn’t it? Instead, I will say that the primary pro is that my intelligence attracts eager learners, and the central con is that my self-confidence is commonly disputed despite it. Throughout my life, I’ve noticed numerous nosy nobodies naughtily nipping my swagger. In other words, flocks of folks have fallen fond of my fortitude, and found that faking it is fun for them. Am I supposed to give a fuck about a fake’s feelings?! A part of me is flattered when followers shadow me, but another part of me is frustrated that I can’t lead said followers to freedom. Of course, “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” But if following my example, I’m being myself to encourage others to assimilate without imitating. If we have a lot in common and my confidence consolidates yours, cool. But if we’re dissimilar, please don’t dishonor yourself by being disgraceful. Have commendable character, but don’t be a condemnable character. Truthfully, if you’re not a hater trying to take my shine, I’ll proudly portray your role model. And I’ll try not to let y’all down. On the other hand, if phonies aren’t trying to be me, the copycats are attempting to prove that I’m not me. Authenticity doesn’t come naturally to asinine asses, which is why they fear what they don’t understand and hate what they can’t conquer. I’m just saying shit to settle into synthetic suckers’ skin, at this point. Luckily for me, I don’t have a point to prove to prissy, punk-ass pretenders. When I tell y’all that I don’t give a fuck about y’all, believe it! That covers both the primary pro and the central con, right?
So, I was playing Fortnite back in November of last year, and in what I can only assume was an orchestrated one-off glitch, Christian crosses formed by diamond-shaped symbols with question marks inside them kept spamming my elimination feed. An “elimination feed” is a real-time stream of text that shows the names of an eliminated player and said player’s eliminator every time an elimination occurs. But not only that, for months now, YouTube has taken over my algorithm and is bombarding me with religious-themed content. Did I divulge that devilishness already? What’s the weirdest thing you’ve experienced recently? I share a lot of my experiences because I believe that honesty is a partial remedy to the world’s mental health crisis. And in telling the truth, I’ve been told that I’m “crying out for help.” No, you unlicensed, unintelligent docturds, I’m doing what y’all don’t have the courage to do by forwardly facing my feelings. But I digress. Please, for Pete’s sake, don’t pay pea-brained morons any mind. Stupid motherfuckers see the world from a shortsighted scope. Moving on, what must happen for you to consider change an emergency? Better yet, how long does it generally take God to help you? I spend a lot of time in rumination and meditation, just maintaining my mental mastery and intellectual acuity. And the last thing that I need is false hope. Feel free to disagree, but I believe that God is a scapegoat. In the Bible, a scapegoat was a literal goat that was ritualistically hexed with people’s sins and banished to the wilderness—allowing people to escape their evildoings. In modern times, God represents a guide for the misguided, a savior for the slave-minded, and something good for the good-for-nothing. But if God lives through people, who’s responsible for bringing blessings? Humans can’t even decide who deserves God’s graces, as all sin is forgivable until forgiveness is forgotten, correct? Hell, if y’all don’t know, neither do I. I saw a news clip earlier that covered a story of a father dying from a medical emergency after watching one of his sons accidentally shoot another. Following that clip, I watched an additional story that highlighted a father, who was working as a security guard at McDonald’s, being shot and killed while employed at the same restaurant as his son—the father died in his son’s arms. Where was God, y’all? G.O.D.—gore on demand, getting oppression deserved, grieving over deaths, grave outcomes destined, growing only demons, ghosts opening doors, etc. Okay, that last one is funny, huh? If you could give God a new “power,” what would it be? For shits and giggles, I would grant God the gift of physical manifestation. And I’d be like, “God, get your hermit ass down here and show yourself! Shazam!” After summoning “the King,” a lightning bolt would jolt from the heavens, striking a random bush every time, then the bush would burn and God would arise from the ashes like a phoenix. That sounds exciting as fuck, doesn’t it? How many of y’all hate me right now? “The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn! Burn, motherfucker! Burn!” If California was a song, at the present moment, it would be “The Roof Is on Fire” by Rock Master Scott and the Dynamic Three. Speaking of music, Harlem’s favorite old niggas, cut it out! I don’t pay too much attention to foolishness, but if I were a betting man, I’d put my money on Jim Jones washing Cam and Ma$e in a two versus one fight. Yet, if it ain’t that deep, act like it! Cam and Ma$e laugh and smile too much for me to even take them seriously, but that’s a good thing. The culture needs that, keep vibrating high—even through your common controversy. When pushing peace and positivity is pressurizing to people, motherfuckers need Jesus. That’s all I gotta say. Peace.