Trigger warning! Please don’t internalize any of the following statements. This is a general argumentation concerning matters that I deem crucial to humans’ understanding of each other, and I am not attempting to subliminally slight anyone. Now, are the most projecting and pretentious of you ready for a shocker? I’ve never had a suicidal thought in my life—ever. And I’ve always thrived in solitude. Honestly, my introversion is immensely inspired by my acknowledgment of the indisputable incompatibility that I have with most people. However, I surely hope that changes one day. For many of the early years of my life, I played dumb and immature just to be more relatable. Shit, I still sometimes downplay my intelligence and maturity by mocking people just for my own entertainment. Yet, if I’m going to take anything super seriously, it’s protecting my energy. And having learned that pessimistic, pathetic, and pea-brained people have a parasitic pull on my energy, I proudly prioritize the exercising of my prerogative to preclude pests from parading in my life. How often do you think unstable people drive sane people crazy? Accepting the guidance of or being manipulated by pretentious people who project their powerlessness and mindlessness onto you will undoubtedly prevent you from prospering, and will potentially drive you nutty and bananas. And though that may sound delicious, it’s actually deleterious. If life was a television show, people who project would only exist inside reruns and remakes, because their minds lack variety, originality, and creativity. Doesn’t that sound boring as hell? People have polarity, so please don’t project. As I mentioned in the last post, there’s only one true reality, and it’s the one that represents life and the world objectively. Whenever you’re putting feelings over facts, your focus will fail to find the full picture. Do you believe that your individual thoughts and theories should always be the most important factors in what’s happening around you? Better yet, do you believe that being selfish and self-centered benefits the outcome of each endeavor you embark on? Everybody has a little crazy in them, right? Denial is refusing to accept the truth. And what person, whether they’re in their “right mind” or not, wants to accept that they’ve been lying to themselves? If you ask different people about me, you’re going to get disparate responses. Some people will tell you that I’m quiet and reserved. Many are guaranteed to say that I’m cocky and arrogant. Others may say that I’m silly and playful. And a few are likely to claim that I come across callous and cold-hearted. But the fact of the matter is, the only thing that I am for certain, is me. I’ve never been nor do I desire to be one-dimensional. How many people have you ever shared all of yourself with? Personally, I give people little pieces of me, in the figurative sense, as I deem appropriate. And anyone who claims to know me doesn’t know shit. Diverging slightly, what single characteristic or quality do you believe should be mandatory for everyone who wants a permanent place in your life? Whatever that is for you, why not start demanding it today? Change can come about in many ways. You can force it, fight for it, ask for it, beg for it, vote for it, etc. However, if everyone insists on stipulating their deal-breakers and necessities—especially when their requirements aren’t being met in the moment—understand that may require change from everyone. Think about it like this, if all streets were one-way, everyone would be stuck. Fortunately for everyone living with some degree of liberty, they have the right to come and go or maneuver as they see fit, and that’s what makes change possible. Right now, there’s something simple that you could be doing differently that would completely change your life and the way people interact with you, so figure out what it is. Fuck it, why not change a few small things just to see what happens? Don’t worry, I’ll do the same.
So, I’m really tapped in with my spirituality lately, and I like how it feels. Actually, that’s one of the things that I’ve changed recently, and I believe that the rewards will be granted momentarily. How rewarding has change been for you thus far in your life? Despite how it may seem, I’m not afraid of trying new things. The thing is, I like doing my own thing, and individuality is what got me to this point in my journey. The last thing that I want to be is comparable to other things, unless those things are astonishing. After taking a closer consideration of God, I comprehend why the Holy Spirit is the only thing that people put their faith in. The living can’t escape life, and life itself can be the biggest, baddest boogeyman known to man. If God is “almighty,” who wouldn’t want him as an ally when facing the big, bad boogeyman that life often is? What’s the scariest thing about life to you? To keep it real, a lot scares me. And it’s because life is so fragile. But like I’ve said many times, fear is what fuels a fighter. If you’re afraid of losing, you fight to win. If you’re scared of failing, you fight to succeed. If you fear dying, you fight to live. When you think about it, every struggle is a fight. And the longer you struggle, the more skilled of a fighter you should become. You can’t even call yourself strong if your strength has never been tested. In my opinion, the lack of fear should be the scariest thing for a human to experience. Living without fear is like traveling the streets of Gotham alone, at night, wearing the most expensive shit available, without weapons, with no combat skills, while Batman is on vacation. That sounds like something only an imbecile would do, right? With that in mind, how do you feel about taking shortcuts? If traversing treacherous terrain or crossing a path amidst danger, finding an alternate route is a smart move. Personally, I don’t understand why anyone would willfully choose to only do things the hard way—that’s stupid as fuck. And it’s easy to accuse criminals of making their lives hard, but that’s literally the opposite of their typical intentions. Shortcuts expedite processes, and they aren’t inherently inconvenient. As a matter of fact, if people weren’t so fixated on and obsessed with validation and assurance from others, avaricious assholes wouldn’t be so greedy, pusillanimous punks wouldn’t be such people pleasers, and life would be easier for all of us. This isn’t me promoting or supporting criminality, it’s me highlighting a lack in logic for everyone who thinks exploiting shortcuts is stupid or shameful. Anyhoo, how much do you hate yourself? For whatever reason, I’ve been hearing the term “self-sabotage” a lot lately, and it made me think about all the things that I’m doing or have done that can or have slowed my success. Self-sabotage can be deliberate or inadvertent, and it’s definitely something you want to avoid if you’re tired of fighting and struggling. I don’t know about y’all, but I enjoy a challenge. And though I don’t want to make my life any harder, I strive to be stronger—especially mentally. I wouldn’t consider my warful welcoming of challenges self-sabotage, because that hostile hospitality is a symbol of my self-love. I want to be the immovable object and the unstoppable force combined, and that necessitates heavy reinforcement. Before I wrap up this post, I would like to thank everyone for their kind words. There are some higher powers and highly proper people out there who seem to believe in me as much as I believe in myself—if not more—and I appreciate y’all taking out the time to help reinforce my mind. Sometimes, bolstering requires a gentle touch. And wherever “spirit” guides me, I’ll be sure to continue sharing the journey. Peace.