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Everybody’s Stupid, CXCVIII

How much explaining is too much? Explanations are often confounded with excuses, so allow me to draw the distinctions. An explanation is the clarification of actions taken or experienced that’s meant to lessen or eliminate confusion and misunderstanding. An excuse is justification for an adverse or objectionable act that’s intended to remove or reduce the excuse-giver’s blame in said act. Generally, people give explanations when attempting to clear up something and excuses when trying to clean up something. Personally, I believe that explaining becomes excessive, and even redundant, when nothing significant is at stake. And I think that excuses become provocative, and even pathetic, when they are irrelevant to the excuse-giver’s accusations or insult others’ intelligence. When there’s nothing important to discuss, I’m the type of person who doesn’t even like being questioned, so I’m disinclined to make excuses or do too much explaining. However, elucidation and education are vital in keeping ignorance and incomprehension at a minimum. So, some things absolutely require explanations. The way people’s humanity is being exposed these days, you’d think that we’d be getting more excuses and explanations than ever. But it seems like everyone but the outcasts and accused are twittering and tittle-tattling. If you didn’t know, to “twitter” is to talk rapidly in a trivial manner, which was a very fitting name for a social media platform dedicated to jibber-jabber and yackety-yack. I won’t censure Elon Musk for being ambitious and having dreams, but if “it ain’t rocket science” was a businessman, he’d be Elon Musk. How often do you talk yourself out of doing what makes the most sense, just to see what will happen? When you think about it, there are risks in literally everything one does, which is why it’s probably best to not think about it. Still, ignoring uncertainties and dangers without taking precautions and being proactive is risky, too. This is why it’s important to know precisely what’s important to you, because risks without rewards and rewards with no remedies are all worthless. The whole point of taking a risk is to acquire a reward with a favorable result that supersedes the successful outcome of a riskless action. To reword that, a reward that doesn’t enhance or advance you isn’t worth the risk. My best advice is to not be afraid, but be acutely aware. You won’t recognize wins without losses, and losses are inevitable, but losses ain’t what you’re risking shit for. An uncalculated risk is the same as a plain old stupid-ass decision. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience. Moving on, do you believe that everyone has the same opportunities? Many successful people like to tout that everyone has “the same 24 hours,” as if everyone’s experiencing indistinguishable circumstances with identical options. The fact of the matter is, no, everyone doesn’t have the same opportunities. An opportunity is a favorable set of circumstances, and circumstances are the set of conditions surrounding a situation. So, for everyone to have the same opportunities, they’d have to be faced with the exact same conditions. In reality, there’s bigotry, gender biases, racial prejudices, social inequalities, favoritism, systemic oppression, religious intolerances, and worse. Once again, they say ignorance is bliss because what you don’t know won’t hurt you. But one human’s ignorance is another human’s pain, because incomprehension leads to misinformation that creates circumstances that preclude the success of disenfranchised and disaffected people. For instance, those who come from generational wealth generally don’t understand how vital government assistance is for needy families, so they adopt political ideologies that promote the conservation of policies that allocate tax-payer dollars to less societally supportive and supplementary causes. See, just with voting conservative, the rich contributes to the sustained disadvantageous circumstances of the traditionally poor. Do you know why humans hate each other so much? It’s because it’s in our nature to desire dominance. A lot of people’s life goal is to be better than others at anything noticeable. The problem is, being unaware that being better at a thing often means being worse as a person is bliss for a lot of people. And there ain’t shit that we can do about it.

So, Kamala Harris wants to give niggas forgivable business loans and better opportunities, and apparently some niggas are offended. No, I’m not going to rant about how stupid niggas are. But I don’t quite understand why people still trust politicians. Again, major political campaigns are just national job interviews, and presidential candidates are going to sell the same dreams to voters that everyday prospective employees sell to employers. Kamala is just telling niggas what she believes they may want to hear because it’s alleged that a great deal of black men are leaning toward Trump in the upcoming election. Like I’ve mentioned before, I think that it’s difficult for people to dislike Donald Trump because he’s witty, charismatic, resilient, and dare I say successful. Statistically, black men are some of the biggest fuck-ups in society, so they can relate to Trump being a convicted felon. Plus, niggas are inclined to presume that they may get more stimulus checks if the taunting tangerine tyrant is elected. Now, I admit that those are vilifying statements, but why else would stupid-ass niggas be voting for Trump? Regardless of your political affiliation, how much do you think you have in common with the opposing side? As I’ve said previously, many people confuse projection with empathy while speciously associating similar situations with kindred feelings and perspectives. But different people respond to corresponding circumstances differently. Projecting is imposing your inhibitions and insecurities onto others, whereas empathizing is identifying with others’ true feelings. As an oversimplified example, seeing someone on the side of the road with a flat tire and being convinced that the inconvenience ruined their entire day because it would ruin yours is projection, but witnessing that and understanding that they need either a tow truck or a spare tire installed as soon as possible is empathy. Empathy is a lot less assumption-based than projection. To connect or find commonality with people, observation alone isn’t enough—assimilation is essential. If you can’t comprehensively comprehend the culture, character, and concerns of those who you consider your counterparts, you can’t conclude that you have much in common. And that’s important from a political point of view because this country will remain divided if people can’t apprehend and appreciate all that we have in common. I think it’s safe to say that nearly everybody wants to be healthy and happy, right? How does that happen without affordable healthcare, high-paying jobs, reasonably priced housing, harmless and helpful law enforcement officers, etc.? It’s not politicians’ or the government’s fault that we all can’t just get along—it’s everyone’s lack of empathy. But I digress. If you’re a black person still blaming white people for your problems nearing the year 2025, get your ass to the back of the bus! As a matter of fact, get your ass off the bus and march to your destination. Because the longer y’all stay focused on old shit, the longer the past will haunt us all! Anyhoo, in nigga news, Kendrick Lamar, hip hop’s horrifying “boogeyman,” nabbed eight out of twelve BET Hip Hop Awards whenever that shit aired earlier this week. Y’all, humanity is beginning to bore itself, and this shit is scary as fuck to me! What the fuck are people going to do for the next 50 years? We have movies, music, sex, conversations, family time, friendships, video games, television, food, sports, exercising, love, hate, traveling, fashion, reading, arts and crafts, small hobbies, and this is where shit starts getting spooky. Everything gets old after a while, doesn’t it? Not to mention that automated technology and artificial intelligence are about to start taking all the jobs. As far as AI is concerned, I believe that it’s existed for decades, and the powers that be did everything they could to prolong its ascension. That may be a little conspiracy theory-ish, but the technology really isn’t all that advanced when you think about it. AI is just a self-thinking, self-teaching computer program—a human intelligence simulation. That’s why me, AI, and other intelligent people know why humans can’t be allowed to think for themselves much longer. The solutions to humanity’s problems are so simple that humans must be too simple to see them. And that ain’t good! I’m just saying. Peace.

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