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Everybody’s Stupid, CLXXXIII

Do you think there’s a difference between slave mentality and groupthink? In my opinion, both are indicative of weak-mindedness, but allow me to explain. Groupthink—also referred to as hive mentality—is the practice of necessitating like-mindedness and forming uncritical and mindless decisions with a group for the sake of maintaining a consensus, and to spite freethinking and creativity. Slave mentality is a sustained state of mind that inspires an obsequious and sycophantic outlook toward authority and superiority, where the slave-minded has no innate sense of self-worth and eagerly accepts whatever inauspicious circumstances they’re oppressed with. In both groupthink and slave mentality, autonomy is rebuffed by all willful participants. One of the first things that I think of when I envision submissive and subdued minds is those people’s belief that conventional jobs are the only way to make a living. Plainly, get y’all stupid asses out of here! Once again, the idea that sweating blood just to scrape by is admirable was instilled into downtrodden and disenfranchised people during times when the only means of survival was through ass-kissing and bootlicking. If you are born poor, the goal has always been to prevent you from becoming a competitor. The more workers who are willing to labor for the least, the more money that the moneyed can keep. To this day, the overworked and underpaid turn to boycotting and picketing when they’re tired of begging for what they’re owed. As time progresses, more and more people will discover how liberating financial independence is. The struggle is always real for many people, regardless of the state of the economy. And if you listen to stupid motherfuckers, they’ll try their best to convince you that financial freedom is as simple as maintaining employment. But anybody with a little experience and/or “common sense” knows that’s bullshit! Needless to say, by design, the hardest working people generally have the lowest incomes. There are people at and over retirement age who are still working, ostensibly because they’ve lived from paycheck to paycheck their entire lives and haven’t accumulated any viable savings. According to Pew Research Center, approximately 19% of Americans ages 65 and older currently have regular jobs, which is an 8% increase since the mid-80s. Speaking of independence, I’ve made my position on the idea of comprehensive self-reliance clear—it’s impossible for the majority of people. For instance, how would you even make your commute without gas stations to supply fuel and mechanics to keep your vehicles reliable if you aren’t mechanically inclined? Minimally, gas stations rely on oil companies and tanker drivers, and mechanics are dependent on auto parts suppliers and tool manufacturers. Socioeconomics is a system, right? The notion that all traditionally employed and tax-paying citizens are contributing to the “system” is valid. However, we all know that the system is corrupt. For example, the more money people make, the less taxes they pay. So, who in their right mind wouldn’t have a problem with the mere thought of busting their ass all their life and never having anything to show for it? During the “great resignation” of 2022, nearly four and a half million Americans were quitting their jobs every month. What’s more, suicides and depression amongst adults decreased exponentially around the same time, which has been dubbed the “pandemic era.” Nobody who loves themselves wants to be miserable, and what’s a bigger stressor than financial instability? Plus, jobs themselves can be stressful, and to compound that with not making enough money to live comfortably is unfortunate. Ultimately, never let anyone tell you how to be happy, especially not unhappy motherfuckers. Aside from supporting the economic system as a hired contributor of goods and services, the primary purpose of a job is to generate income. And with income, regardless of its origin, you can consume—which in itself contributes to the economy. Whether you have a traditional job or not, if you’re generating income, providing for yourself, and contributing to the economy, what the fuck else matters?!

How can you be “real” when you’re never even realistic? In reality, there are a range of routes to every destination. And if you’re taking directions from hateful motherfuckers, you’ll end up lost or headed toward a dead end. Weak-ass people are out here doing whatever they’re told, and they want you to do the same. Unquestionably, people hate you the most when they can’t conquer you. To whom it irrefutably concerns, I’m getting you out of here by any means necessary! Remember what I said in part one of the posts dedicated to “the situation?” I bet you forgot, huh? See, that’s what happens when a punisher reprieves—motherfuckers let their guards down. And in doing so, you’re left vulnerable. But I digress. When was the last time you had irreconcilable differences with someone? Recently, rapper Lil Yachty expressed his discontent with his podcast co-host and friend, Mitch, for what Yachty perceives as Mitch’s ungratefulness. Yachty asserted that he funded and created “A Safe Place Podcast” to give Mitch a platform and provide him with income. I haven’t paid much attention to the details of this spat between friends, but there doesn’t seem to be any real deal-breakers from what I can discern. Again, I’m not someone who believes that drama doesn’t have a place in the public eye. I’m of the belief that communication is healthy, even when it’s one-sided. There’s a lot of relief in expression, including arguments, especially when emotions are high. If expression is de-stressing, let that shit out! Do you ever feel like you need an “expert” to explain your feelings to you? Better yet, do you need to be a psychologist or therapist to understand what emotions are, what triggers them, and how to overcome testing situations? Internet personality Charlamagne is a big proponent of professional therapy, but he’s admitted to lying to his therapist more than half of the time he’s communicated with them. Personally, I believe that psychology is broadly based on the concept of normality, normality is loosely founded on rationality, and rationality is somewhat subjective. And because humans have varying principles, perspectives, and presumptions, people’s perceptions of logic and reason are too vast to amalgamate. By many people’s logic, there should only be one version of normal. Oversimplifying my point, racists believe that melanin is abnormal, homophobes think that same-sex relations aren’t normal, slaves believe that being entrepreneurial ain’t normal, nuns and priests view casual sex as abnormal, etc. But racists are violent toward people of color simply because colored people’s skin has color, homophobes hate the LGBTQ+ community because they have different lifestyles, slaves’ subservience keeps modern oppression alive, and Catholics are not-so-secretly freaky-ass people. In other words, motherfuckers want it to be normal to hate people that they dislike, disapprove of, or disagree with—even when the haters are more devilish and dishonest than the people they’re hating. So, what’s stopping therapists from forcing their personal beliefs onto their patients? Anytime you’re not creating victims and aren’t harming yourself but motherfuckers want to prevent you from doing what you’re doing, stay away from them or get them the fuck away from you! Stop letting humans tell you how to be human. Living and learning is a cycle that you should aim to maintain your entire life. And you’ll come to discover that the more you learn, the more people will hate you—because you won’t need them to tell you shit! I’m always going to create my own path, no matter how treacherous the terrain is, and even if there’s an easier way. I would never expect someone with a slave or hive mentality to understand or relate to me, nor do I give a fuck about anyone disliking, disapproving of, or disagreeing with me. You’ll never be free if you give a fuck, so establish your own version of normal, defend it, and live by it. Peace.

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