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Everybody’s Stupid, CLXXI

Big-ass trigger warning! Prepare to be offended. Imagine a stupid motherfucker thinking you’re soft for always sparing their weak-ass, sensitive-ass feelings! That’s the type of mentality that mentally ill people have because they naturally lack self-restraint, and they don’t have the capacity to understand why hostility is most of the time inappropriate. Nearly my entire maternal family struggles with their mental health, with my mom’s oldest sister being the frontrunner. Almost nobody gets along with my aunt, she’s always had trouble maintaining friendships, she’s had very few short-lived romantic relationships, and I’m one of the only people who has always attempted to keep my composure while dealing with her. Again, this aunt is a pathological liar, she acts as if aggressive arguing is an acceptable form of communication, she prefers being a victim, and she’s been an overall unhappy and unreasonable person all my life. Culprits, I don’t know what y’all set out to accomplish or prove by attempting to deflate me, but obviously, y’all got me fucked up! “Oh, let’s record this nigga to show that he’s easily annoyed and frustrated by over 35 years of the same old bullshit!” Get the fuck out of here! By the way, yes, I knew from the beginning what type of bullshit y’all were on. I’m highly intelligent, sorry. When I was young, my aunt would constantly start fights with my mom for no reason at all. Once, my aunt went to my mom’s job, initiated an altercation with her, and they fought for about two miles down the street—where my great-grandmother lived. Guess what, they continued to fight in front of my great-grandmother. A few years ago, my aunt and my grandmother were getting groceries out of the trunk, and my aunt slammed the trunk lid down on my grandmother’s fingers—I believe it was intentional—and she had absolutely no remorse! At one point during my childhood, me, my mom, my two sisters, my aunt, my grandmother, and several small children all lived in the same house. However, my grandmother kicked my mom out of the house because my aunt and my mom were always fighting. So, there was a period of time when my mom was basically banned from my grandmother’s house. The fucked up part is, my mom wasn’t the shit-starter—my aunt was! And the stupid bitch continued to harass my mom via phone calls, in addition to disconnecting the phone line when me and my sisters were talking to my mom on the phone. Now, what the fuck makes you think I give a fuck about your feelings—especially after all you’ve done over the past few years?! Bitch, I’m going to keep telling the truth on your stupid ass! And just a reminder to everyone reading, I swear I don’t give a fuck. For the record, to everyone who’s been fed the lies, I barely even talked to my aunt when we lived together—let alone after I left. I’ve had an independent mindset all my adult life, and I’m the type of person who will fail until I have no strength to muster before I ask for help. When you’re a young adult without your own place, it’s easy for a lying-ass motherfucker to use the optics to characterize you as a mooch or a leech. I hustled money since I was a teenager, and I never asked my aunt for anything. But if you let that bitch tell it, she got me everything that I acquired for myself. Again, my aunt lived with her mom until she was 35 years old, and I’m throwing that in once more just because she hates for people to know. Also, again, my aunt and her bum-ass ex-convict brother currently live together—going on four years now. See, I can do it too, except I’m telling the truth—and I have a bigger audience! It sucks that y’all couldn’t have just stayed the fuck out of my life and minded your fucking business, because my right to free speech has never meant so much to me. And I want to thank y’all for being such fucked-up people, because I’ve learned a lot from your fucked-upness.

Despite how it may seem, I’m not as pained by reality as it sounds. I’m just tired of the bullshit, like everyone else. Yes, I called my aunt a bitch, because that bitch has never—and apparently will never—respect me. Bitch, if you insist on continuing your pathological lying, I have no choice but to counter it with honesty. Did you think I was just going to let your lies live?! What do y’all think is going to happen when the whole truth comes out? Also, for the readers’ consolation, my aunt has called me a bitch multiple times—as well as my mom, sisters, young aunts, her only friend, both of my uncle’s children’s mothers, my female cousins, etc. Man, that lady talks about y’all like dogs behind your backs! My grandmother is my aunt’s biggest enabler. And as everyone’s elder, my grandmother believes she’s being loyal by choosing sides amongst everyone—instead of mediating and deescalating. Like my relatives, the world would be lost without good leaders and positive example-setters. And if you’ve never experienced turbulence in your familial relationships, not only will you have a difficult time relating to other people’s realities, but you’ll likely be ignorant to the deep impact of disunity. “They” say that you never miss what you never had. By the same token, you’ll never know what you’ve never known. Recently, a 12-year-old girl smuggled her 8-year-old cousin to death over a cellphone. That’s fucked up, right? When I was a young teenager, one night I woke up out of my sleep feeling weird as fuck. I got out of bed, walked to the bathroom, closed the door behind me, looked in the mirror, and I just didn’t know what the fuck was going on. The next thing I remembered was waking up on the bathroom floor. I don’t know how long I was down there, but the door to the bathroom was open, so I must have fell right after getting the door open. I got off the floor, went back to bed, and fell asleep. The next morning, I told my grandmother what happened, and my aunt overheard it. When I walked out of my grandmother’s room, my aunt called me “fallout boy.” Amongst worse, that’s the type of shit I’ve been dealing with my entire life. I may have been sleep walking, or I may have had a medical emergency, but my adult aunt didn’t give a fuck. That shit stuck with me because that was the moment I realized how immature, insensitive, and evil my aunt is, and that she’d likely never change. My aunt used to work with mentally ill people at a group home, and she is now an elementary school teacher. Superficially, those seem like jobs for honest and helpful people, right? But my aunt likes to control people, so she chooses jobs where she can domineer—which is the same reason sociopaths become cops. That lady doesn’t have the patience or temperament to be an effective caregiver. Speaking of crazy motherfuckers who shouldn’t be given authority, rest in peace to Sonya Massey, who was murdered by Illinois sheriff deputy, Sean Grayson. Nothing would make me watch that bodycam footage—it was two years following the incident before I skimmed through the George Floyd video. However, I used to watch uncensored violence videos just to keep me grounded. Only stupid motherfuckers take socializing lightly, that’s what got Shanquella Robinson beat to death by her so-called friends, and it’s why violence is as familiar as fucked-up families. Something’s wrong with humans, and if you don’t understand or refuse to accept that, good luck. I’m not saying that people should walk around afraid of everyone, but incaution is a sign of incapacity. If you’re not cautious, then you don’t fucking get it. I’m so cautious that I plan ahead of people’s potential plans, and foil them without their knowledge. To whom it should concern, haven’t I already proven how much smarter than y’all I am? My trips to Walmart, March 23rd, the eavesdropping, etc. None of your “secrets” have been a secret! And now it’s too late for y’all to stop fucking playing with me! Peace.

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