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Everybody’s Stupid, CLXVIII

A lot of people believe they can approximate and assume their way through life, which subsequently results in more obstacles than would exist if they smartly sought knowledge and obtained facts. Take me for instance, there are people who read my blog who’ve come up with all kinds of theories about why I am who I am. They’ve questioned whether or not I’m genuine, and have even attempted to unman and unnerve me. Obviously, none of that shit was effective. Without elaborating, I am essentially who the fuck I want to be! And to reiterate, all many of you do is sit on your asses and run your mouths. You’re not doing anything special, and you’re normally not saying anything noteworthy—unless you’re copying my shit. We’re living in an era where literally every nigga is a star. And for the sake of my argument, everybody of every race is a nigga in this scenario. Whether you have friends in the entertainment industry who tagged you in to be a part of their podcast, or you picked up a camera one day and just started recording yourself, it seems like everybody wants to be “the one.” However, some good has come from the newfound effortlessness of acquiring notoriety. For instance, before, motherfuckers had to be damn-near the perfect specimen of a human being for people to pay attention to them. Today, Charleston White is a little skinny nigga with one eye who looks like Earthworm Jim, and he has more million-view interviews on other people’s platforms than popular black podcasters and radio hosts have episodes and personal videos. And I think that fact calls for the declaration of the age-old phase, “those days are over!” Right now, nobody gives a fuck about how long you’ve been in your chosen industry, especially when more distinctive and deserving people arrive on the scene. Technically, at this point in time, nobody needs a job at a corporate or established company to gain prominence in any field or culture. There are more successful entrepreneurs now than there’s ever been, and I don’t see that changing for the worse any time soon. But let me get back to the topic of people attempting to guess their way through everything. If you’re discerning, you should be able to detect that I’m not telling sob stories or seeking pity—I’m simply sharing my life experiences. And quite frankly, this shit ain’t for everybody. Just by some of the responses I’ve gotten, it’s almost like motherfuckers think I’m writing to them specifically. Get y’all wishful thinking asses out of here! I’m genuinely curious to know why anyone who I don’t know would approximate or assume that I, Beau Amoureux, give a fuck about them. Then, there’s the people that I know, who I’ve never confided in and have rarely—if ever—held in-depth conversations with, who swear that they can define me. All of you barely respectable humans need to sit down, evaluate your mental health, and differentiate what you know from what you think you know. But to save you a little time, just so you don’t hurt your underdeveloped brains, chances are you only know what I want you to know. Many people believe there’s something constructive about being nosy and interposing themselves between their interests and other people’s business. If you’re paying attention, you should have recognized that minding other people’s business can get you deposed and disposed of! I’m trying to keep this light because I have a tendency to hurt niggas’ feelings, but it is what it is. The fact of the matter is, nobody with a mind of their own, who is in their right mind, is going to be who people want them to be. For the millionth time, fuck people! If you actually fuck with me, please disregard my rowdy rantings and rigmarole. But these ridiculous retards are so retarded that they require regular reminders of who I am in reality. Again, if you’re offended, I’m not sorry.

When was the last time you had to let a motherfucker know? As a cool-ass person and someone who necessitates peace, it’s highly unlikely for me to start shit with anyone. However, I will finish the fuck out of some shit! A lot of people believe they’re standing up for something when they’re speaking their minds, and sometimes their statements are justifiable, but everything ain’t for everybody to speak on. And this is where recognizing and respecting boundaries is beneficial. Who the fuck are you?! You should ask yourself that question—and answer it—every time you find yourself wondering whether or not it’s proper for you to comment on something. And when you have your answer, just shut the fuck up for good measure. How many life and death situations have you ever expressed your thoughts about? Chances are, not only are you commonly speaking out of turn, but the shit that you’re talking about isn’t even important. What’s more, because everybody’s stupid, you’re probably ill-informed, and your input is likely irrelevant and meaningless. If people don’t want you in their business and they’ve communicated that, they’ve established a boundary, and overstepping it can be risky. Like I said before, people prove antagonists wrong every day. If you’re one of those “What the fuck are you going to do?” motherfuckers, think about if you want those to be the last words you ever utter—like the innumerable victims of violence who’ve succumbed to their own stupidity. I can’t stress how stupid people are enough. Do you think stupid people know how stupid they are? If they did, they’d in all likelihood stop being stupid. And even if you’re not stupid, understanding how stupid people are could keep you from becoming a victim of another motherfucker’s stupidity. Speaking of stupidity, COVID cases are officially surging, and don’t expect Americans to take any precautions. Everyone from president Joe Biden to actress Kerri Washington is currently infected with the virus, and they are accompanied by a mass of American citizens. If you want to lessen your chances of being sickened by the life-threatening “coronavirus disease of 2019,” you should consider a Vitamin C regimen, which is known to help boost the immune system. If you’re like the millions of Americans whose pockets are tapped right now, just be sanitary and try staying away from stupid-ass humans who avoid safety measures. Again, if you’re an adult, and you have trouble sitting the fuck down and staying still—especially if you aren’t being productive—that’s going to create problems for you in these testing times. Y’all, the shit is about to hit the fan, and ain’t nothin’ nobody can do to stop it! Everybody’s tired, everybody’s a victim, nobody trusts anyone, and nobody gives a fuck about the other side! Even me, a highly reasonable and rational person, has been forced to draw the line—several lines. Amidst his fresh COVID diagnosis, I’m certain that democratic voters have grown less confident in Biden’s fitness for the presidency. And after becoming a survivor of an assassination attempt, Trump looks stronger than ever. Many people thought that the attempt on Donald Trump’s life was staged, but that thought never crossed my mind. People are so stupid that they don’t know how hateful humans are. Sure, you could argue that me referring to people as stupid is hateful, but am I lying?! If there were a cure to stupidity, it would be acknowledgement. When you experience an issue, the only way to work toward a resolution is to acknowledge that the issue exists. Without the acceptance of the truth, you’re stuck with the issue. Think about it like this, some people think unhealthy habits are harmless as long as they’re still alive. And those people are stupid because, eventually, those unhealthy habits will indeed kill them. If you want to survive as long as possible, start viewing stupidity as an unhealthy habit. Peace.

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