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Everybody’s Stupid, CCXIX

Hey, y’all! I have a prophetic word from God. God told me to tell y’all to stop bothering and blaming him for all the bullshit y’all be doing. The Most High said, and I quote, “they who live without sin does not exist, therefore to live without sin is to not exist.” If you don’t believe me, it’s because we all know I just made that shit up. I respect everyone’s religion, and I’ve explained why I believe the fear of God keeps some sinners centered. To refresh your memories, I believe that God represents the strong hand of a disciplining father, the exemplar of an ideal of rightness, the mighty consequence of wrongness, and just general saintliness. However, I personally don’t believe in God, and I’m not sorry. All the things that I’ve been through in my life, all the pain that I’ve endured—alone but surrounded by people—and y’all want me to credit and praise some mythical motherfucker that I’ve never known—who is supposed to be a protector and provider—for the strength that I’ve developed on my own? Nah. A predominant portion of my peace is provided by the pride that I possess from knowing who the fuck I am. Unlike the majority of y’all, I don’t lie to myself. If there’s one thing that liars hate the most, it’s the truth, right? As I’ve mentioned, I believe that lies are the most destructive force known to mankind. And in part, what I mean by that is, misconceptions lead to misunderstandings that mislead people to misjudge what reality is. Again, reality is always the reflection of what’s real, it’s never the projection of your notions and ideas. Remember, “facts over feelings.” Apparently, every relative that I’ve mentioned on my blog is denying all the truths that I’ve told because they’re humiliated and tormented by their terrible past transgressions. Well, that’s where growth and change begins. Acknowledge that you’re permanently imperfect, and never stop working to improve yourself! If you think I’m not going to tell my stories, on my blog, in my words, about my life, you got me messed up! Shit, y’all are lucky that I’ve always been so mature and emotionally intelligent. To make it clear, there are no amends to be made and no reconciliation to consider. I don’t mess with y’all, period. It’s over, and it is what it is. And for your own good, be careful. What’s more, for the love of your God, please get B. R. the help that I’ve been begging her to get my entire life—she needs it desperately! B. R., I don’t hate you, just let me go, and go heal—you deserve that. Diverging slightly, if therapy is just telling the truth to relieve oneself of trouble, tragedy, and turmoil, tell me that the truth itself isn’t therapeutic. We all know that family ain’t always fond, friendly, forthcoming, fortunate, or even forever. How many liabilities should life have? And when I say liability, I mean all meanings—responsibilities, obligations, and encumbrances. It’s inconvenient for insignificant people to be any of those things in your life, especially when their presence is unnecessary and unhelpful. In my opinion, it’s in everyone’s best interest to define meaningfulness and importance for themselves, then determine who fits said definitions independently. Tradition is like a tether to tricks, traps, and time-old rituals and routines that don’t do anything but weigh down and wear out weary but worthy people. With independence, no matter the region, religion, or relationship, you are free to preach, practice, pursue, portray, promise, and proceed as you wish. Please, stop letting the idea of being rejected for rejecting other people’s ideas burden you. Remember, in life, all this shit is made up! And if we want shit to change, all we have to do is make up new shit. I wholeheartedly believe that humans created the idea of God to explain the unexplainable, and to place blame when they’re blamable. Accept that creating ideas is as simple as explaining and implementing them. And please, try not to crucify me for being truthful. In fact, God told me to tell you to “leave [his] chosen one alone.”

“I ain’t a killa, but don’t push me. Revenge is like the sweetest joy, next to gettin’ pussy. Picture paragraphs unloaded, wise words being quoted. Peeped the weakness in this…” None of y’all niggas are real to me. And if you think you’re real, that shit is all in your head. Get your minds right! Think about it like this, to my objectors, if you’ve been wrong about me up till this point, what makes you think you’ll ever be right? For the record, I don’t think I’m a gangster, at all. Again, I have a clean criminal record and my guns are legal. However, I am naturally rebellious—a nonconformist at my core—and it’s difficult to shake that shit. Also, please don’t let my use of profanity imply that I’m obnoxious or overbearing. I don’t even like raising my voice, unless I’m yelling at the screen while watching something or playing video games. What’s your biggest motivator? For me, it’s results. When I’m putting in effort that excellently effects the end result, I’m ecstatic. The thing is, I like to work smart, not hard. If stress drains the life out of people, I don’t want shit to do with it. When was the last time you were proud of yourself? My whole life, patience has pushed me to progression. I can’t lose without winning, but I think we all experience that. Yet, I believe that my perseverance and persistence surpasses most people’s. Do you know why y’all will NEVER come across another person like me? It’s because it’s obvious that the only thing I’m chasing is change. And I don’t mean change as in “coin” or currency, although that shall come with success, but change as in the alteration of attitudes and agendas. Do you know why change is so difficult for humans? Well, there’s a few reasons. One, change requires just that, change. Repetition is relatively easy and reliable in comparison to reconstruction or reinvention and the uncertainty that accompanies it. Two, many people see change as the abandonment of themselves, which they view as dishonesty, disingenuousness, and the disheartening disassociation from who they’ve always known themselves to be. If someone already has a problem with self-confidence, and they’re lying to themselves about who they are, the last thing they want to do is accept the truth and embrace reality. Three, motherfuckers are running from that “I told you so.” If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport, multiple millions of motherfuckers would qualify for the finals. Not only is there shame in the admission of an opposition’s assessment, but there’s also regret and despair in discovering that one has been disillusioned for an extended period of time. Nobody ever says change is easy, but it’s necessary. Do you think a person must be crazy to believe they can effect noticeable change? Have you noticed people, namely niggas, squashing their beefs lately? I wonder why that is. Going back to the topic of God, what if the belief that a higher power is bound to take over and relieve one’s burdens is the reason people are hesitant or unwilling to change? If you’re putting all your faith in God, as a witness to the death, destruction, devastation, disappointment, and devilishness done by man, do you ever question why God allows those things to happen? I don’t care what anyone says, if God—the creator and controller of the universe—allows people to suffer on his watch, even if I was a believer, it would be difficult for me to respect that. As a part of mankind, I take full responsibility for all the wrong I’ve done. And I’ll skip the “I’m only human” and “nobody’s perfect” excuses. Still, the thought of others who are a part of mankind claiming to work in God’s honor to enact evildoing doesn’t sit right with me—it’s wrong. I think it’s time for all of us to accept that it’s our responsibility to change us, not God’s! Even if God exists, like any parent, he or she deserves a break. According to scientists, it’s been 45 million centuries since Earth was formed—that’s 4.5 billion years. What if God wants his children to be independent? Peace.

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